Paris Saint-Germain Academy England football camps for Juniors

  • English course + Paris Saint-Germain Academy England football program in a residential full board summer campus for Juniors (8 to 17 years old).
  • Paris Saint-Germain England soccer program for Juniors available without English course in a residential full board summer campus.
  • Paris Saint-Germain England soccer program with English kids and Teens.
  • Education & Football Development Programme (16-18 years old)
  • PDP – Player Development Programme (8 to 17 years old)

Summer English language courses for Teens and Kids in England

  • English language courses in Summer Schools in England for Kids and Teens (8 to 17 years old)
  • English course + football in a residential full board summer campus for Kids and Teens (8 to 17 years old)
  • Paris Saint-Germain Academy England Football camp (with and without English course)

French summer courses for Teens and Kids on the French Riviera

  • Residential summer campuses for Teens and Kids in Antibes, Nice, Juan-les-Pins, Cannes, Biarritz.
  • Dance & Fitness in Antibes (12 to 17 years old)
  • Sailing in Antibes (12 to 17 years old)
  • Summer French language courses for Teens and Kids in Antibes, Nice, Juan-les-Pins, Cannes, Biarritz.

French summer courses for Juniors in Paris

  • Residential summer campuses for Teens and Kids near Paris
  • All-inclusive stays for Teens and Juniors
  • French course + activities in residential full board summer camps for Teens and Juniors
  • Summer French language courses for Teens and Kids near Paris

For sports and school groups, Paris-Junior is the perfect choice

Your school wishes to organise a language stay in France or in the UK?
Your football club wishes to organise a soccer program in the UK?

At Paris-Junior we develop summer programs at an affordable price for all Kids, Teens and Juniors.
For School groups all year round, Paris-Junior is the Best choice!
Take advantage of Paris-Junior expertise!

Paris-Junior Magazine

Campo estivo di calcio in Inghilterra

Campo estivo di calcio in Inghilterra

Il campo estivo di calcio della Paris Saint-Germain Academy UK ti permetterà di vivere un soggiorno linguistico in Inghilterra indimenticabile!!!

Paris Saint-Germain Academy England summer camp

Paris Saint-Germain Academy England summer camp

A summer language stay in England that combines an English course with a football camp like the Paris Saint-Germain Academy England is an exceptional opportunity.

How hard is it to learn French?

How hard is it to learn French? Learn French in France in Paris!

Achieving fluency takes time and consistent effort. But with the right approach and a positive attitude, you can successfully learn French.